Monday, July 19, 2010

omg omg OMG!

I have joined Weight Watchers online over the weekend and I discovered that Magnum Golds are 10 points each, yes that is right 10 POINTS. I almost had a heart attack and I will have one literally soon enough if I dont get this chubby chubby off me!!!

Lets face it we all know what we eat is just not good for us but we eat it anyway but I thought that by joining weight watchers it would force me to face up to exactly how bad things that I eat are for me and how it is very easy to gain weight when you do not restrict yourself of anything which is what I am currently doing. I just never imagined that by eating one ice cream would equal half the same amount of calories you are supposed to consume in a whole day. crikey!
I swear from this day forward I will not consume any more Magnum Golds or any magnums for that matter. It is winter for gods sake so I dont know why I am eating so many ice creams anyway as I usually use the pathetic excuse of that it is summer so you need something to cool you down...sad really.

1 comment:

  1. I've never understood why the harsh reality of junk food has to be so harsh! Why oh WHY can't there be an upside??? (Well, besides the oh-so-delicious taste of course.) Why can't ice cream be like, say, almonds? "Sure, these are high in fat ... but it's the GOOD fat that your body actually wants and needs!" I would far rather hear that about ice cream than nuts :)
