Thursday, November 4, 2010

My 'Other' life has taken over this week....

Unfortunately I will have to skip my weigh in this week as I run an online business where I sew and hand make baby and kids clothes and sleepwear and I have a big market day on Saturday to kick off the festive season so I have been madly sewing and have been chained to my machine. apologies!
On the upside I have discovered more about this ProPoints new scheme for WW. Check out the link below as it is being launched in the UK this Sunday so surely Australia cannot be far behind!!! I hope so as apparently ALL fruit and Veg apart from potatoes will be 0 points!! yeay.


  1. oooh sounds exciting! I think it gets launched here week beginning the 14th!! Thansk for the link xx

  2. yeay ! thanks I was beginning to get quite frustrated with the points on healthy vs bad foods & drinks to be honest so I will be looking forward to new program.
