Friday, October 1, 2010

Food for thought....

I visited a friend today who recently had a baby. 7 weeks ago in fact and I said to her you look great, way to go! She replied with oh yeah I went back to pilates last night and I weighed myself there and I am still 2 kgs over what I was before I got pregnant but I am in no rush to get back to exercising to get rid of it!!! 2 KILOS and she was deadly serious!! here I am with almost 20 kilos still on me 3 years later... blimey.

This treasured friend sadly, who after a pretty shitty childhood suffers with bouts of anxiety and down moods (not diagnosed depression but pretty close). It got me thinking though on why some of us chose to eat our emotions and bad moods and why some of us choose not to??

I have posted about this before but why does someone like me who has experienced a pretty charmed life vs someone who had a shitty one abuse their body and their life with food? This is what I do and I dont know why?

1 comment:

  1. Definitely an interesting questions, maybe you should ask her how she does it?
