Friday, September 10, 2010

How do you measure up?

I decided to look up what a healthy waistline measurement should be as I have been reading about how your waistline measurement is very important is staving off developing diabetes. This is a disease that is really predominant in my family especially in the women as 3 generations before me all developed it in later life - read- menopause. yikes

I forgot to take my measurements last week when I started at WW but I think 0.3 weight loss so far is really going to make a difference.ha but here goes.

Waist 107cm / 42"

Hips 110cm / 43"

Left thigh 70cm / 27.5"
Right thigh 67 / 26"

Left arm 36cm / 14"
Right arm 35 / 13.5"

The guidelines say that a womans waist measurement should be UNDER 80cm. Good grief I have some way to go!!

1 comment:

  1. You remind me that I must must must get my tape measure out........
