Saturday, September 25, 2010

I beat the mean blues...

Had bad day yesterday as I was feeling very sorry for myself. Think it may have been hormonal but I was feeling very angry at myself for getting myself this overweight when I have lead a seemingly charm filled life when so many others have not. I have a guilty secret...yes I am a fan of this show...Workout on foxtel. It is a reality show that follows a personal training studio which is owned and run by a lady called Jackie Warner. At first I thought this show was ridiculous and refused to watch it but after a few minutes I was hooked! I have heard she has another show called Thintervention.. crikey I could be in trouble

On Thursday nights show they had a retreat weekend away with some of their clients who are hugely overweight and they had some counselling sessions. Most of the people there have had such hard lives and it made me feel annoyed that I have so such reasons for being overweight if you know what I mean. I know it sounds silly but I feel that way. I have had a really rough few years in terms of losing several babies but alot of people go through that and dont become obese like me....mmmn. something to think about I guess.

On the upside I did not overeat and stuck to my points all day! I just kept telling myself that chocolate is not going to make me feel better just worse! I feel much better today though and I am proud of myself for not saying 'stuff it and eating a barrel of chocolate or biscuits !' Another step in the right direction - tick!

1 comment:

  1. fantastic job! Those are the days when you have real success. It's easy to eat right when you are having a great/strong/motivational day, but the real winning is when you eat well on a bad day where you would have previously gone crazy with sweets! Congrats =)

    <3 Katie
