I have been trying really hard to identify reasons on why I overeat - comfort, boredom, loneliness,sadness?
However I have days I have discovered where I am quite content with my world but I just want to eat biscuits and drink tea or have a bit of chocolate because it tastes BLOODY NICE! Some days I want to go thru the maccas drive thru and buy a cheeky cheeseburger meal because the 0 point soup awaiting me at home in just not appealing! So what do I do in these situations???? Just wanting to eat something because it tastes nice not because I am bored or upset???
I plan and I plan to keep myself on track but what happens when you just simply want to eat something else? Obviously I dont because I realise I will feel shit after it and maccas is bad for you and makes you FAT! I tell myself this on a regular basis.
If I had the answer I wouldn't be firmly in the same boat... Good luck. Just keeping looking at what is going on. There will be some insight there.