Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just say NO!

We had a family birthday dinner on Sunday night. It was lovely and I made sure I did not overeat too much and I had only 1 glass of wine which is unheard for me! ha

Even though my waistline may not be reflective of this but I am not really a dessert person, never have been really which is why I have managed to stay relatively slim for a good 29 years. I am just not into cakes, slice or pies, I will have dessert if it involves a chocolate something but otherwise I usually just say no. This usually invokes ALOT of comments from my family ' oh go on' or 'I just cut you a very small piece' or recently my new sister on law who loves to bake gets offended when I turn down her latest creation and pouts until I give in or at times I do not, but I did on Sunday night and I have regretted it ever since.

How do you say no to well meaning friends and family is my question for this week? I picked up the latest issue of weight watchers on the weekend and it had an article all about how relationships change once you start to change your eating habits or lose weight. I thought to myself 'what crap' but then a day later I can see what the article was saying. How ever well meaning friends or family are they are just trying to make themselves feel better when really they should be skipping the dessert also not to mention the scoop of ice cream and dollop of double cream to go along with it.

I think the tip is just to stay strong and say no thanks or even leave the table to visit the bathroom or kitchen until all of the servings are given out. I know the intention of weight watchers is that you can have treats at times as long as you stay within your daily allowance but you cannot follow up treats when you have had a creamy soup and roast beef dinner with a glass of wine!! Even I know that.
I love my family but not their eating habits...


  1. Ooooh, family and friend sabotage.

    So complex.

    I am sad to say I have lost friends as a result of my weight loss. So the WW article, sadly, hits home.....

  2. I am starting to notice a few friends that have dropped off as well which is sad but they ust not have been good friends anyway if that's how they want to be.
    If I am at a social occasion, morning tea, staffroom at work, dinner and someone insists that I have something when it is all bad and I really dont want it, I just ask for a cup of tea. My mum and I did this last weekend when some good friends invited us to Max Brenner whihc is a chocoholics dream. We just had skim milk cap so that we were still being social around food but not sabotaging our hard work

  3. Thanks ladies for your comments! Great tips Ali but I am sorry to hear of you are now minus friends though :-( fortunately apart from family all my friends are mostly skinny or pregnant (who are still skinnier than me!)
