Saturday, October 30, 2010

Exciting WW news

I just read an article in the UK's Daily Mail online newpaper about Weight Watchers starting a totally new system to their 'points' program called 'ProPoints'. Sounds interesting and I hope they bring to Australia as apparently it will be based on 'new scientific information'.

All fruit and vegetables will have no points as WW realised that people were swapping their fruit points for low fat choc treats which sounds ridiculous but I have to admit that I am guilty of doing that on occasion, sad i know and probably why I have only been losing only very small amounts each week lately. booooo. bring on the new system and read about it here.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Never truer words spoken....

‘If you eat junk, you look like junk. People say, “It’s not my fault, it’s my glands”. It’s not, it is greed.’ - Joan Collins

Also I had WW weigh in this morning down 0.1kgs. not bad considering I had a big weekend at the wedding and I had no bonus points up my sleeve. I have no special ocassions coming up and the litle peach is fully healthy again so time to kick in my training plan.

Can anyone recommend a good exercise blog widget? If not why not join in on the hugs on the blog hop below

ps whoever un-followed me this week I wish you well (grrrrr)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


God this weight loss gig is damn exhausting...when it is all you think about and yet still dont see the changes you want it is hard to stay motivated.

How crazy is it when this one thing is the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing you think of at night and yet you still struggle to get hold of it. I try to plan and be organised but things pop up that have to take priority and exercise takes a back seat or you have to grab something to eat which is not to best choice but it is the easiest and tastiest one.
damn damn damn but I will not give up.... I will not

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ho hum Weigh in Thursday

ho hum indeed I lost 0.3kgs. god at this rate I will lose my 22kgs by 2023! shite.

I am pleased though that I did lose something as my 6 day a week exercise plan/commitment went out the window when my little peach got sick... I don't mind though as I suppose that is what being a mum is all about isn't it?

There is nothing lovelier in the world than your little person asking you to just sit by their bed and hold their hand as it makes their tummies hurt less..... I just need to re-focus come Monday. My hubbie and I are heading up the coast this weekend for an old friends wedding and I am a bit scared as I have no bonus points up my sleeve and there is a rehearsal dinner friday night and then the big day saturday. bllllimey..

I am interested in hearing of any tactics you may have used in the past???

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No weigh in wednesday today

Little peach is still unwell and did not go to kindy today so I was unable to make my meeting but my mum is babysitting tomorrow morning so I can quickly scoot over and weigh myself. I made a solemn promise to myself when I signed up that I would NOT miss a single weekly weigh in for what ever reason. WW is really quite expensive when you think about it and I am not paying all of $60 a month to give it away, plus I think if you miss one it is too easy to get slack and miss another and then just be too embarrassed to go back because you have put on weight back on. Well at least that is what I have done in the past.

ALSO arrrggggggg.....I rang the account helpline to change my credit card details and the lovely man who was helping me kept me waiting on the line as I had so many log in names attached to my address that he struggled to find the current one. He pointed out that I had joined in 2007, 2008, 2009 and TWICE in 2010 all under different sign in names......mate could you have made me feel any worse. He was very nice though and said it took him 7 joins to finally get it for good. ho hum I hope I lose some weight as I have not bee tracking as much as I should.....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Merci Beaucoup

I received my first blog award - yeay - from the lovely Katie at Finding the thin within. Katie was one of the first blogs I came across and really inspired me to start my own, so merci beaucoup Katie!

The Versatile Blogger
1. Capable of doing many things competently.
2. Having varied uses or serving many functions
3. Variable or inconstant; changeable: a versatile temperament.
4. Capable of moving freely in all directions

As for the rules of this blog award they are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs.
4. Let your nominees know about their award.

Seven (random) things about myself

1. I love to sew
2.I run an online baby and children's wear business which I sew myself in the days my daughter goes to kindy
3. I have 6 brothers
4. I am married to a dashing danish man
5. I used to smoke cigarettes - filthy!
6. I love swimming in the ocean but I have not done it in years
7. I have not worn a sleeveless top in public in about 8 years

I will only nominate 5 blogs to keep it exclusive

  1. suger coat it I love Mel's blog as she is such a happy person and just seems to have a positive spin to everything and she is truly a versatile blogger as one day she will be posting about her diet, the next about her job,the next about her yearning to become a mum, then most of all she writes about her hubby in a really funny sweet way! ( which is rare these days I think!)
  2. The scales say what Ali's blog was the second blog I came across and really inspired me to start my own as she seemed to really get alot out of blogging out her thoughts.
  3. Revealing the real me Andrea is a fellow Brisbane-ite so I like to read a local blog.
  4. Good Golly Miss Holly I love Holly's blog as she is very funny and has got a real potty mouth just like me
  5. Diminishing Lucy This was the very first weight loss blog I came across. I loved it and still do as Lucy is a real life inspiration to me and always gives just the best advice!

Monday, October 18, 2010

arrghhh poor peach is still sick

We had a pretty hectic weekend and I think the little munchkin over did I am busy mopping floors of all sickness....ewwww hate vomit.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Weigh in (belated) Friday

Blimey... bit of a week here at eeni meeni HQ. The poor little peach has been sick all week so not much time for blogging or anything else due to our shocking Qld weather and living in a flood area has left our poor house a little soaked but on the upside I think I have burned alot of calories from cleaning up soggy mess!!!

I quickly dashed over to WW this morning and I lost 0.6kgs! totally thrilled as I had a bad weekend but got back on track this week but unfortunately not alot of gym visits due to the little peach being sick and wanting her mum around 24/7.

Monday, October 11, 2010

One small step for (wo)man kind...

well well well.... after reading a few blog posts late last night and this morning I was feeling a bit down in the dumps about my failure to conceive and carry child number 2. I realised that in late October 2 years ago hubbie and I decided to add to our family thinking we were being sensible and waiting for a good amount of time and more financially stable after having number 1 child.

Wrong. 2 years 3 miscarriages and 1 ectopic pregnancy later still no number 2 child and it made me feel reallllly shitty as especially in a few weeks will come the due date of what my ectopic pregnancy should have been. should have been. love this phrase....Not

You know what I did??? I put on my gym kit and running shoes and went to the gym! In the old days I would have said stuff house/work and sat on the couch eating biscuits watching re-runs of some crap reality show. I went to the gym and went through my program of cardio and weights and then at the end I got on the treadmill again and starting running and got to 2km and stopped as I thought I was going to die!! I hopped off the treadmill and burst into tears into my towel (no one was around and the gym is tiny!) then I quickly stretched and went to my car where I burst into tears again. hot angry tears. angry at so many things. things I cannot change. things I can and wished I had changed 2 years ago when I had the chance.

I know there are more important things in life and I am so so so lucky to already have one cute cherub of a child who is literally the sunshine of my and my husbands life. Who when I had some very dark days in march/april this year she was only reason for me to get out of bed every day, the only reason a smile was brought back to my face. I am so fortunate I know that and I do cherish every day.

The morale of this story is that it only takes one small step in a different direction to change your life and stop what you were doing previously when you come to bumps in the road, then and only then, will it (hopefully) change your life for the better.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's official I am giving up the booze....

Yet another booze filled day yesterday with a good friends 40th birthday lunch party!! I did a double gym workout on friday and had 10 bonus points saved and thankfully it was a roasted pig on a spit and serve yourself lunch buffet, so I had the pork meat as a set points of 4 and then filled the rest of plate with all salad - no bread, no creamy pasta/potato/gravy - just salad - unheard of for me. To add the celebrations when our dear friend was making a thank you speech for everyone he got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend in front of us all so of course it was a double celebration and the champagne came out!!!!

but today I was not so good and it has left me thinking that I cannot continue to 'earn' extra points to waste on booze on the weekends as in the end it will not really get me where I need to be....

Friday, October 8, 2010

To train or not to train??

I have joined a gym today! When I lived in the UK I was a member of gym called Holmes Place and boy was it plush! (photos above) Had computerised machines with built in TVs, ipod docks, the weight machines were computerised so all you had to do was insert a chip card with all you details on it and it would automatically adjust the weight AND seat to your program! Then after the workout you had walk in plunge pools and water massages....oh those were the days.

Due to living on one income flashy gyms are a thing of the past and lets face it who the heck has the time to float around in plunge pools anyway so I have joined a no frills gym 2 minutes from my house for the princely sum of $60 a month. It is teeny tiny and only a few machines but the weights look new and clean so that is the main thing. Another gym I looked at joining a little while ago who shall remain nameless (Fitness First - ok I am not nice) but the weights area was filthy and smelly and dont even get me started on the change and shower rooms!!

I currently mapping out my plan of attack in the next day or so as I have decided to start training, yes I said, training - no more light exercise for me - 6 days a week

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Plan it or wing it?

Lately I have got off track with my planning of meals and then tracking them online via WW and this goes for my exercise too. I feel pleased that I am making progress and since I started 5 weeks ago I have lost weight consistently every week just in very, very, teeny amounts. I know it is a step in the right direction rather than the other way but I feel now I reallllllly have to amp it up and start exercising 6 days a week and plan meals for 7 days to start getting some pretty ambitious goals I have in mind before Christmas day rolls around.

If you are a planner please I would appreciate any tips you may have? Or even if you are winger how do you make it work for you??
or just join on the blog hop below!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weigh in Wednesday yippppeeeee

Unbelieveable!! I actually lost 0.3!!!! I am in shock as I really did think I would have gained at least 0.5, so I am pleased. Wish I had lost more by this stage of following WW but hell it is better than nothing!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

oh no! The wheels have come off!

Saturday night hens party got a bit out of control to say the least...I think at one point during the festivities I became airborne and my wheels fell off also.....but i think (fingers crossed) with the exercise I did before the weekend and monday and today I should not have gained, I hope. very nervous about it...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I must stay on track....I must stay on track

I have a hens party today. It is a double whammy of a long lunch and then an evening party. yikes. two course lunch and then drinks,dancing and karaoke back at the hens house into the wee hours. double yikes. I am got up early this morning and the three of us went for a bike ride so I am hoping I have earned about 8 points which is about 3 drinks worth but better than nothing I say!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Food for thought....

I visited a friend today who recently had a baby. 7 weeks ago in fact and I said to her you look great, way to go! She replied with oh yeah I went back to pilates last night and I weighed myself there and I am still 2 kgs over what I was before I got pregnant but I am in no rush to get back to exercising to get rid of it!!! 2 KILOS and she was deadly serious!! here I am with almost 20 kilos still on me 3 years later... blimey.

This treasured friend sadly, who after a pretty shitty childhood suffers with bouts of anxiety and down moods (not diagnosed depression but pretty close). It got me thinking though on why some of us chose to eat our emotions and bad moods and why some of us choose not to??

I have posted about this before but why does someone like me who has experienced a pretty charmed life vs someone who had a shitty one abuse their body and their life with food? This is what I do and I dont know why?