Thursday, September 16, 2010

I feel like this most days....

The reason I am overweight is because I am sad on the inside and most days I can't show that as I need to function in daily society so I now realise that I have used food to make myself feel better. Obviously I now realise and something I will have to repeat to myself on a daily basis is that it doesn't make me feel better and if anything it will make me feel and look way worse.

I am starting to feel much better due to weight loss this week and I have lost 2% of my body weight. Go me! Just think by christmas I will look and feel so much better.


  1. Way to go! I so know what you mean by this pic. Frowning on the inside, but smiling on the outside. Know this, we are on a journey. If you and I keep with it, next week we'll feel better than this week. Heck, tomorrow we'll feel better than today. Each day is better than the last. Every day we have to make a choice. Choose wisely. You can do it!

  2. And if you can figure out why you feel sad on the inside, and address it, you will be home and dry.

  3. Keep up the top work Mama, you will feel happier with every cm/kg shed!

  4. Losing 2% of your body weight is great!

    Found you via Fat To Fit Blog Hop!

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments! I love sharing all this with fellow weight losers and it is becoming quite addictive this blogging business!!

  6. Know what you mean about the inside / outside bit .... but, when you find the thing(s) that trigger the sadness it makes it so much easier to deal with. It's when you can't see why it happens that it sucks! So, you go girl, 'cause you're doing great and we're all here to egg you on!

  7. Wow! 2%, go you. And it makes me sad to think you are sad on the inside. Though, that picture is pretty darn cute.

    Unsolicited advice ahead! Find something you love or throw yourself into everything until you do. That is my number one tip for happy on the inside.

  8. I too am trying to figure out why I use food to make myself feel better and if there is something better. xxx

  9. 2% is great, I think if you are realizing these things you are already well on your way. You can't fix something if you don't recognize that it's broken :) I find that blogging is a great tool on this journey!

    Cara :)

  10. Thanks again ladies for the great comments. It is nice to share the experience with others feeling the same way x

  11. I would like to show your logo in a short movie I am making for a competition (‘actionista’ ‘Make a statement // make a difference’) I am making a movie on depression and showing your logo would help spread the awareness of depression and also tell people that there is help out there for them if they need. I would appreciate it if you allowed me to but also would fully understand if you do not allow me to. I am happy to answer any questions.
    Kind Regards
